Enrolling in Army ROTC does NOT involve a commitment of service to the Army unless you have contracted or received an Army ROTC Scholarship (excluding the first year of four-year scholarship recipients). Prospective cadets are free to enroll in the program without an obligation and determine if becoming an Officer in the U.S. Army is something they want to achieve. Army ROTC training consists of classes, labs, and physical readiness training (PRT). Class, lab, and PRT sessions are held on campus however there are some exceptions for the location of labs and PRT depending on the nature of the training. PRT is conducted from 0545 to 0700 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Battalion also conducts Beach training in Key Biscayne as part of PT. For non-contracted cadets, attendance at PT is encouraged, but not mandatory, in order to show commitment and dedication. PT is mandatory for all contracted cadets. Within UM’s Canelink Portal, all classes and respective schedules are listed under Military Science (MSL). Incoming Freshmen will enroll in MSL101/MSL102 for their first semester. The following is the standard curriculum progression for Army ROTC: ■MSI Level: MSL101 (1 credit) Fall Semester, MSL102 (1 credit) Spring Semester ■MSII Level: MSL201 (2 credit) Fall Semester, MSL202 (2 credit) Spring Semester ■MSIII Level: MSL301 (3 credit) Fall Semester, MSL302 (3 credit) Spring Semester ■MSIV Level: MSL401(3 credit) Fall Semester, MSL402 (3 credit) Spring Semester ■In addition, the military history course MSL499 (3 credit) is required to be completed before commissioning. Labs are held every Thursday to allow cadets to put military theory learned in the classroom into practice in the field. Labs have a mixture of locations depending on each lab’s mission. The Southern Strike Battalion utilizes a South Florida National Guard training center, aptly titled “Snake Creek”, for more tactically-focused exercises. All contracted cadets will have a three-day Field Training Exercise (FTX) towards the end of their Fall and Spring semesters. FTX locations are varied within the Miami area, as well as at Camp Blanding in Starke, Florida with other Florida ROTC programs. In addition, ROTC extracurricular activities such as Ranger Challenge, Color Guard, Pershing Rifles, and Scabbard & Blade are available for cadets to participate in.
A key aspect of the Army ROTC program is Cadet Summer Training, centralized at Fort Knox, KY. Summer Training consists of a Basic Camp and an Advance Camp. Basic Camp is intended as an introduction to Army ROTC, assuming no prior knowledge, while Advance Camp is a capstone course. Basic Camp is highly recommended for cadets to attend but is primarily a resource for qualifying Cadets for the Advance courses if they are not academically aligned or do not meet the Advanced course requirements. All contracted Army ROTC cadets must successfully pass Advance Camp in order to commission. The course introduces new cadets to the Army life and the responsibilities of being an officer, instilling confidence and decision-making abilities. Attendance for Advanced Camp normally takes place in the summer following the MSIII year; exceptions to this are rare and granted on a case-by-case basis. Branch selections and active or reserve duty determinations are greatly affected by Advance Camp performance. Training is rigorous and intense, both physically and mentally. Cadets are continuously placed in evaluated leadership positions within their designated Platoons. In addition, interviews for certain branches are conducted during camp.
Every cadet from levels MSI, MSII, and MSIII will have an MSIV mentor to guide and grow them through the ROTC program, their academics, and their personal life. The mentor grows the mentee through encouragement and guidance, developing the mentee over time. The role of the mentor continues throughout the academic year. Your mentor will be able to answer most of your questions, and if they are unable to, then the cadre are always available to assist you.